My Nan Said – There’s No Such Word As Can’t

I saw a post on Facebook today. Where Caroline Crockett Brock had made a choice to understand the difficulties her appliance repairman faced. Ernest Skelton shared his experience of racism with her and it’s gone viral. I appreciate this is not an isolated experience. But it is the one that I choose to share.

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. I believe there can be change. It may or may not happen instantly.

When you plant a seed, you make a difference. More than never planting one at all. “There is no point, it won’t change and things will always be the same”. I really dislike those types of negative comments and mindset and I will explain why.

I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Classed as incurable and not to get any hopes up. What was the point in planting more seeds if it wasn’t going to make a difference. One may as well not bother, nothing will make a difference and why not choose to let it take you and just die. Things will be the same no matter what action you take right? Wrong…..

My nan said something to me and it’s not the lesson “may I, not can I”. Although, she did teach a good bulk of my manners. Thank goodness! She said to me something that has stayed throught the whole of my life. “There’s no such thing as can’t”. Or to quote Yoda “Do or do not. There is no try”. In other words we choose, (yes, us) to do it or not!

When we choose to have faith and believe from a positive mindset. Positive changes occur. The smallest action CAN make a difference.

Why wouldn’t anyone try to make a difference to their life if it could improve the quality of that life. Why wouldn’t anyone try to make a difference in another persons life if it could improve the quality of theirs.

Imagine if we all just believed anything was possible and changed our mindset and actions. To lead others by example and show them peacefully how they can make a difference. Through understanding and love. To be mindful in a moment.

Not needing any credentials or justifications of knowledge on the topic. Not be judged by others because they come from a place of fear choosing to pick holes in why has it taken you this long to make a stand. Instead of opening their arms in love and encouragement. Why are people so hard on themselves and others? Is it not better to make a change at some point…. We all have our journeys. We all awaken to these realisations at different times of our lives. We each do our little bit in our lives to make a change, when we eventually become mindful to it. Because our hearts and minds guide us to in that moment.

Making a difference can be a simple, peaceful gesture. Not one made through fear and aggression. I’m not saying people don’t have a right to be frustrated and angry. Having to constantly fight just to breathe, and not having people care as much about your life as you do is heart wrenching. Although it’s not the same circumstance having a terminal illness has opened my eyes to a great deal and taught me many lessons. It allows you to encompass compassion and empathy for the suffering others live in for the whole of their life.

I am grateful to my cancer for this wake up call. Honestly before I was innocently asleep. As many are until something clicks. I choose not to be hard on myself for that. But decide to do the best I can in each moment moving forward. And be the change.

I guess what I am getting at is be the change you want to see. For surely starting from a little somewhere is better than no action at all.

We are all connected. We are all one love. Peace and angel blessings Anna. Be safe out there. đź’ś

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Published by heartofanempress

Sharing my terminal cancer story.

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